

Expansion Joints in UAE

mbt1 Movement Expansion Joints

Expansion Joints help retain structural integrity. They permit thermal contraction and expansion, without inducing stresses into the elements. Expansion joints are designed for several tasks. These would be to:

- Safely absorb the expansion and contraction of construction materials,

- Absorb vibrations

- Permit soil movements (cause by earthquakes or ground settlements)

Expansion joints are mounted on walls or ceilings over covering, overlay, plaster, and plaster board surfaces. They're used in industrial and commercial buildings; such as hotels, hospitals, business centers and shopping malls. The expansion joints system can be composed of Aluminum & EPDM Rubber material.

expasion joint in uae

Some expansion joints are fixed on floors, in commercial buildings. They can be seen in places such as Shopping Malls, Buildings, Universities, Colleges, Schools, Hotels, & Car parks where walker traffic loads. The system can be designed of different materials. A common variant however, is composed of mill finished Aluminum Alloy & EPDM Rubber material.

There are also Expansion joints Cover profiles, like Cover plates and Trench Access Covers in UAE. These are made to provide access to sub-floor mechanisms. They're used for the maintenance and repairs of electrical, plumbing, and other underground systems, in commercial and residential areas. 

MBT offers a wide variety of Expansion Joint floor systems, for both thermal and seismic uses. Our expansion joint cover systems have been made to effectively get the job done, while hardly being visible. We do this by ensuring that they have very less sight lines, and high load ratings. There are also other products in the Expansion joints segment. We also offer Stainless Steel expansion joint covers and Drywall expansion joint covers.

We provide a Variety of Expansion Joints and Sealant Products:

Bridge Expansion Joints are designed to facilitate continuous traffic between structures. They stop the bridge from bending out of place in extreme conditions. They have to accommodate the following factors for this; movement, shrinkage, and temperature variations. Bridge expansion joints are supposed to adjust their length, according the conditions mentioned above. They’re normally used for connecting two parts of a bridge, but can also be used for other big structures.These joints are structural components designed to ensure operational safety and road safety, under all known climatic and usage conditions. They are suitable for reinforced concrete, pre-stressed concrete, composite and steel structures, and particularly for bridge decks. 

Movement joints are just another name for expansion joints. A movement joint is therefore, a dynamic component that is designed to relieve or absorb movement between structural elements. The bigger and more complex the structure, the bigger and more complex the movement joints. For floors, movement joints must be installed in certain areas and positions to prevent tiles or grout from cracking

Control Expansion joints reduce the occurrence of shrinkage-related cracking. Control Joints are planned cracks, that regulate said cracking. Concrete shrinks a little bit as it dries. If control joints are not provided, it may crack as it shrinks over time. But where they are provided, concrete will crack in a straight line instead of randomly or dangerously. Control joints, are therefore an essential part of laying down concrete slabs.

Heavy Duty Expansion Joints are used for high traffic areas, that frequent the movement of heavy loads through out the facility (airports, hospitals, trade centers). These areas may require expansion joints, that can withstand light weight objects, all the way to extraordinarily heavy amounts of load. They can be made with brass, stainless steel, and aluminum, and are specially made for this purpose.

Fire Resistant Expansion Joints are used for safety and security purposes. Expansion joints going through buildings are capable of interrupting fire rated assemblies within them. Therefore these are tested to meet fire resistance standards, throughout the industry. They’re meant to deter instances of quick spread of fires.

Seismic Joints are used to separate two parts of a building, or to separate two adjoining ones. They’re also intended for the separation of walls, floors, and roofs. Seismic Joints are made to handle extremely high movements and deter possible damages caused by earthquakes. These are watertight, flexible, and easy to install.

Quiet Joint  blocks sound transmission between rooms. It's an acoustic partition closure and joint filler. Aimed at blocking sound, draft, heat, cold, and dust, quiet joints are highly suitable for the closure of gaps. They can be used for windows, stud walls, and mullions (or basically static joints and gaps).

These products exist in different ranges, and you have the option to select from various profile seals available in a wide variety of colors and sizes.

Parking Expansion Joints are designed for heavy duty usage. They're meant to endure all weather conditions, and are suitable for both interior and exterior use, as well as vehicle movement. They're made to be watertight, and withstand vehicle and pedestrian traffic. Parking Garages require sturdy expansion joints, due to these challenging factors.
Parking expansion joints, are therefore specially made to meet those conditions. They're sturdy, and can endure all these conditions. 

Compression Seals are used for the effective sealing of expansion joints. They come in a variety of shapes, for various uses. They're highly resistant to the elements, and are usually the go-to choice for static sealing. 

Expansion Joint Cover Plates can be used to cover the placement of joints between floors. They provide a covered transition between connected joints, while deterring any damage caused by the movement of the joints. Aluminum Cover Plates are quite a common choice for commercial uses.

Water Tightening Expansion Joints are significant for the preservation of all sorts of public and private structures. They're robust expansion joints, and are designed to be highly durable and water proof. This is required for the protection of structures, from water ingress damage.

Roof Expansion Joints offer moisture protection from the top down. These can be used for roof applications, softscape plazas, hardscaped decks, split slabs, and other such areas. There are also different options available for different types of roofs, like flat and otherwise.

Why you should work with MBT

MBT has very long expertise & experience in providing architectural finishing products such as expansion joints and sealant products in UAE. From ordinary settings to complex systems, we offer it all. Passageways, foundation isolations, even staircase; MBT deals with lots of products that can meet various project requirements.

You can view our previous products involving expansion joints and more, by clicking here.

Modern Building Technologies Technical Services LLC is a leading provider of Expansion joints for clients in the Middle East area. MBT is a leading construction, maintenance provider and installation of different profiles in Dubai, UAE. We have supplied Expansion joints for different projects in the Saudi Arabia, U.A.E. and Qatar. We have been serving in this region for the last forty years, and provided quality products for use in various installations around this region.

MBT deals with more Expansion joins and sealant products and also with NystromEmsealArfenWatson Bowman AcmeAnkara TeknikMM SystemsMiguaVeda FranceWillseal, Ankarateknik


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Comments 66

Guest - Sajid (website) on Friday, 27 March 2020 13:57

Do you deal will arfen and nystrom compression seal ?

Do you deal will [url=https://www.mbt-techserv.com/en/mbt-blog/expansion-joint-in-uae]arfen[/url] and [url=https://www.mbt-techserv.com/en/mbt-blog/expansion-joint-in-uae]nystrom compression seal[/url] ?
Guest - mbt on Friday, 27 March 2020 18:04


Guest - Guest (website) on Friday, 24 April 2020 16:34

Do you deal with BASF products ?

Do you deal with [url=https://www.mbt-techserv.com/en/]BASF[/url] products ?
Guest - MBT (website) on Friday, 24 April 2020 17:40

Yes, MBT do deal with BASF products and also with products of Nystrom, Emseal, Arfen, Watson Bowman Acme, Ankara Teknik, MM Systems, Migua, Veda France, Willseal.

Yes, MBT do deal with [url=https://www.mbt-techserv.com/en]BASF[/url] products and also with products of [url=https://www.mbt-techserv.com/en]Nystrom[/url], [url=https://www.mbt-techserv.com/en]Emseal[/url], [url=https://www.mbt-techserv.com/en]Arfen[/url], [url=https://www.mbt-techserv.com/en]Watson Bowman Acme[/url], [url=https://www.mbt-techserv.com/en]Ankara Teknik[/url], [url=https://www.mbt-techserv.com/en]MM Systems[/url], [url=https://www.mbt-techserv.com/en]Migua[/url], [url=https://www.mbt-techserv.com/en]Veda France[/url], [url=https://www.mbt-techserv.com/en]Willseal[/url].
Guest - Guest (website) on Tuesday, 28 April 2020 18:41

Hi, I have to know that, do you offer parking expansion joints of Watson Bowman Acme ?

Hi, I have to know that, do you offer [url=https://mbt-techserv.com/en/products-services/structural-and-architectural-expansion-joint-sealant]parking expansion joints[/url] of [url=https://www.mbt-techserv.com/en]Watson Bowman Acme[/url] ?
Guest - MBT (website) on Tuesday, 28 April 2020 18:58
Yes, MBT do you offers [url=https://mbt-techserv.com/en/products-services/structural-and-architectural-expansion-joint-sealant]parking expansion joints[/url] of [url=https://www.mbt-techserv.com/en]Watson Bowman Acme[/url].
Guest - Guest (website) on Tuesday, 12 May 2020 18:03

Do you deal with sealant products of emseal ?

Do you deal with sealant products of [url=https://www.mbt-techserv.com/en/]emseal[/url] ?
Guest - MBT (website) on Tuesday, 12 May 2020 18:49

Yes, MBT deals with all sealant products of emseal.

Yes, MBT deals with all sealant products of [url=https://www.mbt-techserv.com/en/]emseal[/url].
Guest - Guest (website) on Tuesday, 21 July 2020 16:46

Do you deal with sealant products of Willseal?

Do you deal with sealant products of [url=https://www.mbt-techserv.com/en]Willseal[/url]?
Guest - MBT (website) on Tuesday, 21 July 2020 16:51

Yes, MBT deals with all sealant products of willseal.

Yes, MBT deals with all sealant products of [url=https://www.mbt-techserv.com/en]willseal[/url].
Guest - Guest (website) on Tuesday, 18 August 2020 13:13

Do you offer services in Ankara Teknik and Veda France?

Do you offer services in Ankara Teknik and Veda France?
Guest - MBT (website) on Tuesday, 18 August 2020 13:55

We do deal with Ankara Teknik and Veda France, for expansion joints. Yes.

We do deal with Ankara Teknik and Veda France, for expansion joints. Yes.
Guest - guest (website) on Monday, 24 August 2020 14:54

do you work with veda france?

do you work with veda france?
Guest - MBT (website) on Monday, 24 August 2020 15:18

Yes also work with other brands such as fundermax and polyrey.

Yes also work with other brands such as [url=https://www.mbt-techserv.com/en/]fundermax[/url] and [url=https://www.mbt-techserv.com/en/l]polyrey[/url].
Guest - Guest (website) on Sunday, 30 August 2020 16:41

Do you deal with Watson Bowman Acme?

Do you deal with Watson Bowman Acme?
Guest - MBT (website) on Sunday, 30 August 2020 16:53

Ye we deal with Watson Bowman Acme.

Ye we deal with [url=https://www.mbt-techserv.com/en/]Watson Bowman Acme[/url].
Guest - Guest (website) on Sunday, 30 August 2020 17:31

Do you deal with MM Systems?

Do you deal with MM Systems?
Guest - MBT (website) on Sunday, 30 August 2020 18:21

Yes work work with MM Systems.

Yes work work with [url=https://www.mbt-techserv.com/en/]MM Systems[/url].
Guest - guest (website) on Tuesday, 01 September 2020 15:43

Do you work with Migua for expansion joints?

Do you work with Migua for expansion joints?
Guest - MBT (website) on Tuesday, 01 September 2020 15:47

Yes, we do work with Migua for expansion joints

Yes, we do work with [url=https://www.mbt-techserv.com/en/]Migua[/url] for expansion joints
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